Security - The ANPF Anovkovan National Police Force

The ANPF or Anovkovan National Police Force vigilantly oversees the safety of its residents and visitors . Prevention is a priority, but a significant focus is put on training elite security units to enable them to quickly and effectively intervene in cases of sudden danger.

Unlike most nations, where each state, town, or city has it's own police force, The Republic has a National Police force that operates under a unified central command, with jurisdiction anywhere within the borders of the Republic.
This eliminates the many problems encountered by other nations when similar law enforcement agencies interact with one another such as
jurisdictional or "shared intelligence" problems.

The National Police Force is an elite group, using State of the art technology. Each Officer undergoes an extensive course
of training, and various "Specialized" Units of The National Police insure the safety and security of our citizens.
The ANPF works closely with the Department of State and the Republics Military.
The Commissioner of The ANPF is a cabinet position.

Anovkova prides itself on being one of the safest countries in the world.

National Police - Headquarters

National Police Force, Central Command building.
Police have jurisdiction anywhere within the borders of the Republic.

Standard Police Vehicle

Prototype of latest police vehicle on display.
It has not yet  received the official Police markings.

Special Units - Public Safety

A Public Safety Mobile Command Center

Special Units - Traffic enforcement

A typical highway interceptor on routine patrol.
This is a black, unmarked unit.

Special Units - Security

ANPF Officer at his post  in Anovkova City.
There are several such posts throughout every city, manned 24 hours a day, as well as mobile patrols.

Special Units - Emergency Services

Inside an Emergency Services Mobile Command Center - Data Processing station